poniedziałek, 11 maja 2015

Pocky, Pepero and Mikado


Is the Japanese delicacies created by Ezaki Glico's Company. Sweets have received the name "pocky", based on the word of the film onomatopoeic sound when eating the product. Pocky are not so readily available in Poland, for example, in the Uk or in Germany.

Pocky can be easily bought over the Internet for example. the "Yatta" for about 10-15 PLN.
Personally we tried a chocolate flavor, green tea and strawberries and they are really yummy! The only drawback is the small amount of sticks in the package. .
(Unfortunately we were only packaging after the chocolate Pocky :/)



This imitation immersed in chocolate, produced by Lotte Confectionery in South Korea. Pepero is a copy of the Japanese version of Pocky – practically is no different.

Unfortunately, we have not had a chance yet to try them, but we hope that in the near future we will be able to try them! The price of these sweets is about 5-12 PLN.



Sticks are manufactured by Kraft Foods, which bought the branch Lu Mikado. These sticks are the most successful in the UK. You can get it in a variety of flavors, but unfortunately I do not have such a wide selection as Pocky and Pepero. Mikado, you can usually buy abroad (France, Spain, Germany), but you can also find them in Poland, come very rarely. You can buy them for about 5-7 PLN.
Mikado are delicious, but different from the taste of Pocky. We had the opportunity to try a few flavors of Mikado being abroad and you can taste nutty, blueberry and white chocolate :)

An interesting fact is that Poland also decided to have its own "Pocky" and the company "Beskickie Łakocie" decided to implement these plans. And so arose "Beskidzkie Paluszki". Are available in the Biedronka, or other smaller stores for about 2. 50-3 PLN.

~ ♥ Kyubey ♥
~ Black Princess

niedziela, 10 maja 2015

South Korea

South Korea
Curiosities and customs

South Korea, as other Asian countries have a great culture, customs. We will try to bring in a very small degree the culture of Korea and show that it is really wonderful. We hope that by encouraging curiosity into a recess in the culture.

1. Koreans giving whatever right hand, left hand holds the right-this shows our respect for the other person.

2. In the subway are designated places for elderly people - are not allowed under any circumstances to sit on them.

3. Written name and surname of the person concerned in red, testifies that she is dead, or soon will die.

4. During the meal, you should never indicate chopsticks or hammer them in food, otherwise it is showing a lack of respect for the host.

5. Residents in Korea homes sit, eat and sleep on the floor, so before entering the house must take off their shoes.

6. Do not wash your hair on the eve of exams-otherwise knowledge will flow out of our heads along with the water.

7. The threshold can be found hanged dried red peppers. This means the upcoming birth of a boy in a week.

8. Koreans do not show their feelings in public. Winning the emotions, is a symbol of personal culture.

9. It is interesting to note that it does not go in with bare hands. It is good to bring fruits, flowers or chocolates.

10. While drinking with a much older person, you need to turn the head to drink the contents of the glass. This means respect for the elderly.

11. The number 4 is considered to be the unluckiest. Is it Korean syllables derived from Chinese characters. Both 4 (四) and death (死) are pronounced in the same way.

12. Wedding in Korea is generally maintained in the spirit in the Church or Wedding Hall. A lot of weddings still plans to the family by a sort of matchmaker. Very often the Koreans get people selected by the family or matchmaker.

~ ♥ Kyubey ♥
~ Black Princess

piątek, 8 maja 2015

Fashion ^^

Ulzzang ^^

Ulzzang are characterized by a clear complexion, face in the shape of the letter "V", small lips, large eyes and lenses. In makeup apply black mascara and eyeliner. Hair curly  are thick curls, or are dissolved. Be guided by current fashion trends. They want to be directors and a washing machine.

Ulzzang Girl's:
Moda Ulzzang

Ulzzang Boy's:

Tomboy *-*


Tomboy is a girl who behaves like a boy dresses like a boy and thought of as a boy. This is a person who wishes to freedom, he wants to break the stereotype of sweet girls. The style of dress is a loose clothes often sports.


tpm boy


FOB (Fresh Off the Boat)
korean fob

To unusual connections, mainly clothes, contrasting, but looking together impressively. Fact-finding elements of this style is the use of a large clothes that emphasize small and slim figure of the Asian women. The most popular are too long jumpers, great jackets and loose sweaters.


Fob (2)

fob fob


This is a style of street-the word hobo defines a homeless person. The style of this is imposing on the multiple layers of pretty stocked with clothes.


moda hobo

Elegant at work ♥
elegancko w pracy

Most of the Korean womens is known for its feminine and elegant appearance at work. Among other things, pouring thanks to Office style is very popular throughout Asia.




~ ♥ Kyubey ♥
~ Black Princess

środa, 6 maja 2015

Korean Ideal Beauty

In South Korea, very great attention to appearance. Despite the fact that meets more often individuals who prefer the naturalness, a Canon of Korean beauty does not change and its women are doing everything possible to get closer to the ideal.

The conditions which must comply with theideal Korean:
must have:
crisp white skin
V-shaped Chin
~ simple nose
~ big eyes with "double eyelid"
easy eyebrows 
~ slim figure
~ small face
a small jaw

The effect of the Chin V can be obtained through the plastic surgeries and przeróżnego type of massage. Triangular face shape gives the mouth a younger and more children's delicate appearance.

If someone does not want surgery then you can use special a. . . clamps that model Chin.

Excellent body according to the Asian women is an S-shaped silhouette long legs, large breasts, slender waist, slim butt.

Asians who want to have a nicer shape eye (double eyelid) must undergo surgery. Currently very many stars are subjected to this treatment. For those who do not want to undergo the operation created special patches, which sticks to the eye, they can also be very easy to hide.

Darkness Secret Magic Double Sided Double Eyelid Tape1

In Asian countries have become very popular bags under the eyes = Aegyo sal.
In Europe women seem a lot of money to remove the Aegyo-sal is in Korea has a completely different trend. The bigger-the better. Women who cannot afford treatment, buy special stickers which are respectively the skin.


~ ♥ Kyubey ♥
~ Black Princess